Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Update sana sini...

Sarah at 1 month old
Sarah at 1.5 months

Abang sayang adik..


Adik beradik share the car

Lamanya rasa meninggalkan dunia blogging ni.. Al-maklumla dengan kesibukan menguruskan anak-anak, keluarga dan kerja..memang susah nak mencari masa yang sesuai untuk meneruskan blogging ni..Nak-nak pulak dah ada FB..memang senang update kat sana je la.. 

Anyway sekarang ni anak-anak dah semakin membesar...Zikri dah mencecah 3 tahun setengah dan Sarah 2 tahun 2 bulan...Alhamdullillah Zikri sekarang dah boleh dah tak pakai diapers di siang hari. Cuma bila nak buang air besar dia still mintak nak pakai diapers.. mungkin rasa semacam nak buat business kat potty or toilet kat rumah tu..walaupun telah diajak.. dia still phobia lagi.. and of course at night kena still pakai la sebab dia nak tido kan.. kesian la plak nak kejut malam-malam pegi toilet.. Bab bercakap plak..bukan main la sekarang ni..macam-macam citer.. cuma tak tau citer betul ke ciptaan semata-mata..

On 4th September hari tu, Zikri kena demam campak air yang besar tu..kesian dia..jenuh menahan diri dari menggaru..tapi terlepas la jugak sebab macamana la budak kecik tu nak menahan.. Naik penuh badan, muka, kepala dan jugak dalam mulut dia.. kesian dia.. tiap kali nak sapu calamine lotion menangis beria-ia..kesian tengok dia..

Dalam masa dua minggu tu, berhati-hati la jugak takut berjangkit pada Sarah...Tup tup..lepas 14/15 hari Ayahnya pulak berjangkit..pun teruk jugak keaadaan ayahnya..Tapi sempat kami jumpa klinik yang boleh bagi antiviral supaya tak la teruk sangat parut dan keluarnya..

Alhamdullillah selepas about sebulan Sarah tak kena la plak..mungkin hasil dari breastfeed ku pada dia yang last almost for 1 year. So mungkin Sarah dah dapat dah siap-siap antibodi dari ku untuk memerangi virus chicken pox ni..Lega la jugak... Syukur sangat..

Abang belajar solat tapi nak ajak adik join..

Masa abang baru kena chicken pox tu.. kebetulan plak sports day Sarah dan Zikri.. oleh kerana nak menyiapkan diaorang sendirian dan jugak nak pikir macamana nak handle dua sekali sendirian, kami terlambat sampai ke majlis sukan.. Sarah punya game was the first one, masa sampai-sampai the game tengah on.. melepas la Nur Sarah...

Lepas Zikri punya event habis, kami pun balik sebab Abang masih agree untuk ikut pegi sports day walaupun hanya menunggu dalam kereta dalam keadaan kesakitan.. Here are some pictures..  

Ntah apa la Zikri tengah nengok Sarah..

Sarah first time makan at 6 months old..
Bulatnya mata anak-anak mama..

Sarah 2nd Birtday cake share dengan Atok..
Adik beradik kat rumah mak tok..

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year!! Welcome 2012.....

Alhamdullillah -- dah sampai kita ke tahun baru 2012..

A lot of things had happened to me and my family in the last year.. Ada bad, ada yang good... -- Right after Zikri's birthday, my pregnancy went well until about the last month around June/July - my sugar was high so I had to start taking insulin..Nasib baik la just for a month or so..

The biggest bad thing that happened was I got retrenched from ABU just about one month away from my delivery date.. How stressful that experience was. Yang paling sedijh/upsetting about this - is that - the manusia-yang-tak-berhati-perut- telah menghantar surat terminate itu melalui email saje while I was attending/organising an event outside of office. It's such a huge event plak tu with about more than 50 participants - sibuknya teramat sangat sampai tengah malam we all kat hotel tu.. And he has the BALLS to send me the letter through email that morning.. Takdak angin, tak dak ribut, tup-tup sampai surat layang... Apa la punya orang..

But anyway, dengan keadaan yang sangat stress dengan kerja, dengan the idea tak ade kerja lepas tu dengan baby nak lahir so soon... Alhamdullillah my pregnancy prevailed and tak menghadapi banyak masalah..

So for the last couple of weeks in July - I was going up and down to a few places namely MTUC, Labour Office and lawyer to check on my rights and what I can get out of this retrenchment. Unfortunately - there's not much we can do - weird our Malaysian Labour Law tak banyak protect Malaysian staff. Takat Constructive Dismissal boleh la kot, but then for that u have to buat lawsuit. Since I got no time left - dah sarat sangat I just take the retrenchment package yang dioffer (tu pun setelah try to fight for it - kalau tidak, buat dunno je la)..

So ABU - sudah tinggal kenangan buat ku as of 5th August 2011..

And now on to a happier thing that happened in my life... on 8th August, 2011 - my second child was born - this time round it's a girl - Nur Sarah Zulaikha...

Alhamdullillah.. Sarah dilahirkan pada pagi 8hb Ogos dengan berat 2.98kg.. Dan bersyukur sangat sebab berjaya menyusukan Sarah sepenuhnya dengan susu badan sehingga sekarang.. Alhamdullillah Sarah sihat...dibantu jugak kot dengan keaadaan relaks tak payah kerja, jadi senang la sikit susu nak keluar, walaupun tak la banyak macam susu Yone (my sister)..

So in between all that leave, sempat la jugak buat kerja2 dari rumah - macam writing for Abg A. etc.. Tetapi sekarang ni alhamdullillah, syukur pada rahmat Allah - I managed to get another job in UIA which is not very far from my house - lebih kurang 15/20 minit je perjalanan.. and best of all both my kids are doing well...

Hopefully 2012 will bring better things in our lives... Doakan la ye... Selamat Tahun Baru 2012 semua..

Friday, April 29, 2011

When Zikri turn 1 year old...

On 28th April 2011, cukupla umur Muhammad Zikri one year old.. Tak sangka - begitu cepat masa berlalu..After all the years waiting for a small one, it's such a joy (and kadang2 terror as well) watching him grow... He's such a cheeky child -- but quite aware of strangers... Right now I guess the stranger anxiety phase is in full force -- mak ai... kalau menjerit/menangis boleh tahan jugak seramnya dengar..

Anyway, before Zikri turn one - a couple of weeks ago he was really sick - fever sampai more than 1 week tak kebah2. Eventually had to admit him in the hospital - was there for 4 days and 3 nights. He got ear infections, conjunctivitis -- on top of the fever, cough and flu..It was the most tiring week for me.. And with my current condition -- lagi la letih...dan lenguh.. (ooo -- i forgot to mention that I'm currently in my 22/23 week pregnancy -- ok, ok.. I need to story about that too - takpe, next entry).

He's much better now - on his birthday he also had to have his 1 year old jab - the MMR. For the time being, he looks ok. According to the nurse, he won't have fever this time round. I hope that's true.. After the jab, we decided to do a cake cutting ceremony with him and his friends at my SIL's place. Nasib baik mood baik -- here are some pictures..

Seksanya nak tukar baju.. asyik sibuk nak pegi kat ayah je..

Ok.. dah siap...

Amik gambar dulu with his friends..cuba tengok expression Lutfi yang excited tengok kek..

First birthday cake Zikri..

Bukan senang nak suruh si kenit ni posing dengan kek dia..Kek lagi besar dari empunya diri..

Dah potong kek, mengantuk plak.. tak senang tengok kek tu sendirian aje..

Kawan-kawan tengah sibuk makan kek..

Sibuk nak pegang kotak-kotak..

Posing jap ngan mama..

Sibuk nak tengok handphone kak Nana..nak tengok gambar diri sendiri la tu... quite vain jugak si kecik ni..

Birthday pose..

Last pose dengan abang Lutfi - the only other boy yg my SIL jaga..

Buat Zikri, anak mama and ayah... mama dan ayah doakan kesejahteraan, kebahagiaan dan kesihatan yang baik untuk Zikri.. Semoga jadi anak yang baik dan soleh... Amin...Sayang anak mama...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Zikri at 10 month old..

Salam.. adoi.. lamanya tak update blog..Bukan apa, during the long holiday (CNY) - I was out sick for more than 2 weeks.. Siap masuk hospital for 3 days for my asthma attacks.. Lama betul tak kena asthma. Sekali kena, dengan kadar yang sangat teruk..

Anyway, this post is meant to commemorate Zikri's 10-month konon birthday la.. dah besar dah anak mama.. kejap nanti - dah 1 year... Anyway last 28th February cukup la umur Zikri 10 bulan.. Dah banyak akal dah sekarang ni.. macam-macam drama dia.. Here are some pictures of him taken last Sunday and a couple this morning...

By the way, last week, akhirnya dua gigi Zikri dah menjelma.. wah..sekarang apa lagi, kuat mengigit la.. Dengan sekuat-kuat hati tu.. For the time being masih la lagi rasa geli-geli.. esok gigi tu dah besar mau sakit punya tu...

Mama kononnya berangan la masa kecik-kecik dulu nak biar Zikri on fully cloth diapers.. sekali tak menjadi.. umur nak masuk 10 bulan baru la try out his first cloth diaper -- tu tengah menayang CD la kat mama tu sambil hang out kat garden ayah...hahaha..

Another shot, another day.. rilek je duduk atas batu sungai tu -- sejuk kot, tu yang syok tu..
Taken this morning -- sibuk main his first 'party bag' courtesy of Aunty Letchumi's niece whose birthday was yesterday.. Bukannya Zikri boleh makan pun.. mama ngan ayah la dapat habuan.. Zikri dapat main je la..

Sesungguh hati main dengan the party bag...

Seronok main cak-cak dengan mama..hahaha.. tapi mata dah kuyu dah..

Zikri geli mama geletek kaki dia.. hihihi..

Tengok la sat anak sapa duduk sungguh tak sopan.. Aish.. awat ni ??? Restless la tu..

Monday, January 17, 2011

Reflections of 2010, Hopes for 2011

It's been more than half a month now in 2011 and I just had the chance to do an entry to reflect on the happenings on 2010.. 2010 is very special to me in many ways - the most happiest year, as well as the most stressful year for me personally. In 2010, I had received the most precious gift from Allah -- my baby boy - Muhammad Zikri.. Alhamdullillah he's doing well, we enjoyed all his antics at home.. Of course the 'sound' volume now has increased quite significantly - sampai neighbours can hear him clearly..But that's life.. alhamdullillah..

At the same time - my career kind of suffering when the organisation had a major reshuffle and the new management had made a lot changes that affects the staff(especially local)'s rights as an employee. A lot of staff had decided to leave and I'm not suprised if most of the old staff will be gone soon. It's very frustrating and if Allah wills it, I will probably follow suit. I hope Allah will give me guidance to make the right choices and ease the burden secepat mungkin.. Amin.. This is my hope for 2011.. We shall see how it goes..

Friday, November 26, 2010

It's so crazy....

It has been so crazy at work lately.. with our immediate boss literally being kicked out of the office just because the new big boss is not 'ngam' with her -- left us both in limbo...Macam orang gila sekarang ni like headless chicken..pening aku..Sian kat my boss, she's such a nice boss - so easy to work with, very understanding, very calm and patient, tak kedekut ilmu.. susah la nak dapat boss macam dia lagi..

Hopefully things will get better soon...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Puting oh..puting

Before I delivered Zikri, I was so determined not to give my baby the pacifier.. But down the road of a month (still in my confinement) mama started giving him the 'puting' so that he can easily go to sleep..(you might ask, where did she get the pacifier from -- well.. it's part of the starter kit that I bought)..

I've been receiving a lot of negative remarks for letting him suck on the pacifier -- mostly the remark about how his teeth will end up being 'jongang' and how his sucking on air and that will make him a colicky baby.. But alhamdullillah, so far so good.. My sense is that I think the pacifier's function is merely that -- to pacify the baby when he/she is agitated..Memang dah fitrah seorang bayi suka menghisap -- tak kisah la puting ke, jari ke.. Even if we don't give him his puting, he will still suck on his finger/s -- so nak buat macamana ??? I've read somewhere that the ability to suck -- either the thumb or a dummy helps with the baby development... so I'm so confused now...

Anyway, since he had started on his solids about a week now - my sister-in-law who is taking care of him while I'm at work -- has started to wean him off the pacifier..ada la dia nangis sikit2..esp bila ngantuk nak tido... Nak tak nak, I thought I better persevere and sambung her effort during the night.. but it's mighty heart wrenching to see him whimper for the beloved puting.. Sampai terkecap bibir sendiri la nak tido tu.. Tapi alhamdullilah -- it has been 3 days and 2 nights now that we've been able to keep him away for it.. Now, my question is -- Am I making the right decision ??